One of the only jobs that will always have a consistent demand is teaching jobs, there’s no doubt about it, and without teachers, there would be any hope for others to find their ideal careers.
Not every individual is cut out to be a teacher, and if you land a teaching job doesn’t it mean you’re secure. Well, in short, no. As a teacher you can have a lot to deal with, perhaps stress levels are high, but there really is no room for costly mistakes. You must be able to control your frustration and handle the classroom no matter how stressful they are.
Yet if you manage to show constant teaching results, and significant education improvement rates for classes, you’re able to hold down a role as a teacher, you’re job security will improve. So while teaching is like any other job, you can make create your own job security by showing consistent good results.
One additional benefit is obviously the demand. There are unlimited teaching opportunities out there, and if you have the necessary qualifications, supply teaching position can be found to ensure you income remains steady.